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    Fashion and Beauty, Health & Fitness, Mental Health, My Faith

    Work Hard, Pray Hard

    2 weeks ago I went on an anti-depressant/anxiety medication. It’s been a long time coming, since over the past year or so I’ve been struggling with some ups and downs. I’ve always been pretty independent, and thought that my struggles weren’t “that bad”. So as part of that, I put off making the appointment.

    As I’ve been struggling, I’ve been praying. Praying to find a way to help me overcome how I was feeling, and to feel more like myself again. I was angry all the time, and I hated it. Time after time, I felt like I should probably go on medication, at least to see if it could help me, but as I mentioned above, I always put it off.

    Until it finally clicked in my head.

    Could these thoughts that medication might be right for me at this time, actually be the answer to my prayers? Could this be the Spirit urging me towards what could help me?

    Of course it could.

    And so, I made the appointment. I did “the work” as it were. I was anxious and nervous, but the doctor was so kind, and since starting the medication, I haven’t felt as angry. I’ve felt calmer, and more in control.

    I don’t know how it’s all going to play out. I don’t know how or if this medication will help me the next time I experience a low, but I do know for right now, it seems to be working in my every day life, and for that, I am thankful.

    God expects us to pray hard to Him. To include Him in all our doings, to share with Him our passions, our feelings, our doubts, our inadequacies, our needs, our triumphs, our joys. And after we pray hard, He expects us to get to work. Look for the solutions, work for the victories. He expects us to help ourselves, but He will always be there to help us every step of the way.

    I have learned of and experienced this over and over in my life, and I know it’s a lesson I will continue to need to learn over and over and over. And I’m grateful for Him, for giving me all the chances to learn, to change, to ask.

    I received this cute sweatshirt from Bible bb’s, a company that offers a line of shirts for the whole family.
    You can enter to win your own shirt here. 
