Book Reviews

Summer Reads

I’m a book lover. Always have been, always will be.
I will always make time for books.
Since having Abe, I’ve read quite a few books, so without wasting any more time about
HOW MUCH I LOVE TO READ let’s get to the reviews.

Harry Potter series, JK Rowling, 5/5 stars
If you know me even a little bit, you know that I love Harry Potter. I won’t profess to be the BIGGEST FAN EVER, but I am a big fan. I’ve been to/camped out for 3 midnight showings, been to WWoHP in Orlando, own a wand (Hermione’s, if you cared)
and am proud to be part of the “HP generation”.
ANYWAY. I’ve re-read (again) the whole series since Abe was born, and it was just as good as I remembered. I tear up reading
the first page, and downright cry at the last.
If you haven’t read any Harry Potter, go read them right now.
If you don’t like Harry Potter…. Well, I suppose we can still be friends but I sure don’t understand you 🙂
{I know this was less of a book review and more of a “I love HP” post… But I don’t think I even know how to actually
“review” HP and give those books the justice they deserve.}

Unbroken, Laura Hillenbrand, 4/5 stars
I really liked this book, and I really disliked it as well. I’ve never had such conflicting feelings about a book before. I don’t usually read non-fiction, but had heard great things about this book, so picked it up. In case you don’t know, it follows the life of Louis Zamperini. He was an Olympic athlete, and a prisoner of war in Japan during WWII. It’s a hard story to read in places, as you learn about all the hard things he went through, but it’s also a story of redemption and hope, if you make it to the last chapter or two.
There is a movie coming out in December and the trailer looks so good! Sadly, Louis died just a week or two ago, but I hope he was able to see at least part of it before he passed.

Tell The Wolves I’m  Home, Carol Rifka Brunt, 2/5 stars
I wanted to like this book. I wanted to like this book so bad. It had all the elements of books I usually love… But for
some reason, I just couldn’t love it.
This review pretty much explains how I felt about this book.

The Memory Child, Steena Holmes, 3/5 stars
This book was fairly short, as far as novels go, and an engrossing read. I can’t say it was a favorite of mine, or that it’s going to go on my “books I recommend to everyone” list – but I still enjoyed it, and I will recommend it to a
few of my friends who I think would enjoy it.
To read a plot summary of the book, click the link above.
Just know that there is a bit of a twist (I halfway called it about one third into the book) – and while I loved that there was a twist, the way it was portrayed kind of ruined it for me. I’m not sure why, I just think it could have been done a little better.
But all that said, if you have a chance to pick it up, do. I don’t think you’ll hate it.

The Winter Sea, Susanna Kearsley, 4/5 stars
I’m not usually one for historical fiction, unless it has to do with WWII, so the fact that I even picked up this book to read is kind of a fluke in and of itself. That said, once I started, I couldn’t stop. I was so engrossed in the unique story
within a story plot, and the characters were so likable.
And there was even a “twist” at the end, that made it all the more enjoyable.
Read the plot summary, and if it looks like you might enjoy it, pick it up!
(PS, I couldn’t get into the Outlander series, but this has a similar feel, I think (from the whole 2 chapters I’ve read of those books…)
so if you like them, you might like this, too!)

I always love book recommendations… Do you have any to recommend for me?
Also, if you’re curious to see what other books I recommend – click the “g” social media icon!
I’ve gotta whole lotta books on goodreads 🙂

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