Guest Post

10 Indoor Activities for Toddlers | A Guest Post

A big thanks to Tayler for today’s post! Tayler’s one of my blogging besties (we’ve even met in real life! ha) and so I’m thrilled for her to be sharing some of her ideas with us today! 
Hi everyone! I’m Tayler and I blog over at The Morrell Tale. One of the many reasons (besides blogging groups, religion, and interests) that Britt and I clicked is because we both boys close in age. My son, Rhys, is 15 months and has two settings: “GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO” and sleep. So, we spend a lot of time running and riding in the stroller, going on errands, taking walks, playing at the park, etc. However, it is starting to get cooler and colder, and soon enough, inclement weather will be setting in. It was much easier last winter when he was 5-8 months old–pretty easy to entertain. But now, he’s a full-fledged, walking, opinionated toddler with definite likes and interests. And he loves outside more than anything. So, I’ve decided to stockpile some ideas on how to keep him entertained indoors this winter!

1) Books, Books, Books!

Have a stockpile of books ready to read. Rhys loves to do some marathon reading, so we make sure to have a good mix of personal and library books on hand.

2) Learning Time with Toys

Rhys has a collection of both blocks and legos, so we practice stacking, fitting together, and then knocking towers down. It is also a great way to start teaching about letters (blocks) and colors (legos). We also just bought some animal puzzles that we are using to help teach Rhys about matching shapes, as well as animals and noises. We also have some threading toys that are helping him with his fine motor skills.

3) Hide and Seek

Rhys loves hiding in nooks and crannies and being chased. Although our townhome isn’t that big, it is plenty big with plenty of hiding spots for a 15 month old. We play a lot of chase, wrestle, and hide and seek.

4) Box Time

We have kept a big Huggies diaper box in the corner of Rhys’s room. This provides a lot of fun. He’s a bit young for imagination (which boxes are great for preschoolers), but he likes to be put in it, then try to close the flaps ontop of him. He also likes to crawl through it, throw toys in and take toys out, peep through the cracks, and kiss the babies on the box.

5) Chore Time

We use poor weather to catch up on indoor chores and cooking. I am in the process of helping to teach Rhys some of these chores. He has also started helping me cook by “stirring” (whacking), “pouring” (throwing), and moving ingredients.

6) Kitchen Play Time

Sometimes, when I feel brave and don’t mind some noise, I’ll get out some pots and pans, lids, measuring spoons, wooden spoons, etc and let Rhys go to town. He likes to fit lids with pots, pretend to mix, etc.

7) Dance Party

We blast toddler music and dance and sing to it. This is a great way to help Rhys learn these toddler songs. We also play a lot of Disney songs.

8) Watch TV/Movies

I let Rhys watch TV. I think it’s ok, especially since there are so many good educational shows. His favorites are Daniel Tiger, Curious George, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

9) Go somewhere

Rhys has loved going to the Discovery Museum in Salt Lake–it was toddler toy heaven! We will definitely make a return trip. We also want to take him to Nicklecades, indoor gyms, and the Sandy Aquarium. Just make sure that driving conditions are safe!

10) Color

Rhys has started enjoying crayons and markers, so we will take some time to color. Then, we’ll “sign” the pictures for Daddy or Grandma and Grandpa.

And…if all else fails,

11) Look to Pinterest for Ideas

Numbers 1-9 are things I have actually already done with Rhys, but I’m sure there will be a day I want to make play-doh with him, or other ideas.


Tayler is a lifestyle blogger who loves to write about her new adventures in motherhood, her time as a teacher, books she reads, recipes she cooks, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, lessons from Disney movies, and her religious views. Tayler and her husband. Justin, are obsessed with their rambunctious toddler, Rhys and love spending family time together.

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