Book Reviews, Family and Friends, Family Christian, Goals

2016 | Show Up

Show Up

When I was first thinking about what word or phrase I wanted to focus on in 2016, I thought I might just use the same phrase as last year, which was Engage Intentionally. That phrase kind of got thrown under the bus as the year went on – from becoming pregnant and being sick and taking care of a toddler, to moving and buying a house, to welcoming our new babe into the world, and navigating the world with 2 under 2 – well, I was lucky if I did anything at all. This year though, we don’t have any plans to move, have a baby, or anything else crazy (did I just jinx myself?) so I am/was hoping that I could take the time again to plan and engage my life and those in my life intentionally. And while I still will strive to do that… That’s not the phrase I’ve decided on. The phrase I’ve decided on is Show Up.

You see, a few days ago, I was reading a blog post (I can’t remember whose it was…) about how they asked God what their word should be. And it hit me. Why wouldn’t I involve Him? Why hadn’t I thought of this sooner? And so, right then, I bowed my head and asked Him for guidance in choosing a word or phrase to focus on in 2016. Later that night, I was reading the fabulous book Just Show Up and it hit me…. Show.Up.

It’s easier for us – ok, for me – to sit back and think, someone else can handle that, or someone else is more equipped to help out than I am, someone else is less busy than I am – but that’s not the point, that’s now how we should handle life. I was recently reading a devotional address by President and Sister Holland in which was stated:

In the Savior’s life and in ours, Satan counters … with temptations of an easier way, with an offer of “convenient Christianity.” It is a temptation Jesus resisted, and so must we. Life was very inconvenient for Him, and, unless I miss my guess, it will often be so for you and for me when we take upon us his name.

How absolutely true that is. Satan is the voice that whispers to us that we’re “too busy” “too overwhelmed” “too inadequate” to do anything, especially to do anything that the Lord prizes and praises. He tells us that showing up is too hard and that it’s easier to just shy away. Is that true? Absolutely. But when has doing anything that God asks easy? We weren’t placed here on Earth to take easy way out. We were placed here to stretch and grow and become more like Christ. And that can be hard. But it’s worth it.

While reading Just Show Up I was shown again and again the importance of community, of friendship, of following the promptings of the Spirit. And that’s what I want to focus on this year. I want to build my family, my friendships, my community all by following the Holy Spirit. I want to show up.

And so, this year, in my efforts to do that I will be focusing specifically on my family, my friendships, and my life. And how will that looks? Like this:

In My Family 

  • Putting Kyle first, and really giving him my attention, as well as serving him more.
  • Spending time with my kids, putting down my phone and engaging with them.
  • Being sure that in my efforts to show up, I show up for my family, first. Always.

In My Friendships 

  • Don’t be afraid to say yes to favors asked of me.
  • Make an effort to call and text those closest to me more often.
  • Send notes to friends just because.

In My Life 

  • Look for opportunities to serve all around me.
  • Spending time daily in the scriptures and other Christian and LDS materials.
  • Show up for myself by taking care of myself through eating well and exercising.

I feel like I do need to add — while working on showing up, we still need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves. We will be doing others and ourselves a great dis-service if we allow showing up for others to get in the way of showing up for ourselves. There is a fine line between doing all we can and all that God asks, and taking on too much. Thankfully, I (and we!) do not have to figure that out by ourselves. We have our God on our side. If we’re including Him in all the decisions we are making, He will guide our path.1

Before I close this post, I want to talk a little bit more about the book Just Show Up. This book probably ranks on my top 10 favorite books, top 20 at least! From the first page I was captivated. Best friends Jill and Kara share their experiences of navigating friendships after Kara was diagnosed with cancer, and the importance of showing up. I feel like no words I could write would adequately describe how wonderful this book is. As soon as I finished it I wanted to immediately turn back to the beginning and start it all over again. If you’re looking for a life-changing book that deals with relationships and God, this is it. I wish I could send each and every one of you a copy, that’s how much I love it.

I’d like to end this post with one quote from the book. One that I think we all need to remember. No matter when you meet someone, no matter what they’re going through, we can always jump in and show up for them. It’s never too late.

Just Show Up

I was given free product from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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