Abe, Family and Friends

Abe Is 5

Abe Is 5

Today Abe turns 5. FIVE. My sweet little six pound newborn who burst onto the scene 3 weeks early is five. And it’s blowing my mind. For five whole years I have been a mother.

Abe is wonderful. He’s very particular about a lot of things. He loves a whole variety of things including dinosaurs, space, and superheroes. He loves to watch Octonauts, My Little Pony, and Rescue Bots (plus various Lego movies on Netflix). He loves the color blue (no surprise there!) and creating, whether it’s with Legoes, Magformers, or paper. He is smart and loves to do puzzles. His favorite foods are oatmeal, granola bars, pizza, peanut butter sandwiches, and anything with chocolate.

He is shy, and oh so silly. He is the best big brother, and (usually) a great listener. He is kind and a great helper. He really tries hard to please at all times, which is really sweet to watch.

I feel extremely lucky to be this little boy’s mother.

Happy Birthday, Baby Abe. I love you so much, and I always will.

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