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Bucket List

    Bucket List

    26 at 26

    Today is my birthday! I’m officially closer to 30 than 20 and that feels…. Odd. But good. 25 was really good to me. I continued being a stay-at-home mom to my Abey, I found out I was expecting again, and we bought a house and moved to Pocatello. I guess you could say it was a pretty busy year! In so many ways I feel like I am still 18, in other ways like I am still 21, but here I am, turning 26. Which, I mean, makes sense since I’ve been married over 5 years, and have one child plus one on the way! When thinking what I wanted to share today, I thought I’d make a little list of goals I have for this coming year. Nothing like a new year to motivate us into action, amiright?

    1. Have a baby.
    2.  Give myself a grace period while recovering from childbirth, through the new year.
    3. Dive into Beachbody programs starting in January. (Possibly become a coach?)
    4.  Go on a family vacation to Lake Tahoe.
    5.  Home renovations. — This one is kind of vague, but we have a lot we want to do.
    6. Finish the Book of Mormon twice.
    7. Read Jesus the Christ.
    8. Keep two kids alive (but really!).
    9. Strive to keep a clean house.
    10. Take Abe and baby girl to the library once a week.
    11. Continue growing this blog — whatever that might entail!
    12. Continue to declutter and get rid of “stuff”.
    13. Save up for a new car (ahem, mini van?).
    14. Do my visiting teaching each month.
    15. Read 50 books.
    16. Go on at least one camping trip (next summer).
    17. Become a budget master.
    18. Start a cleaning schedule and stick to it.
    19. Take more pictures with my real camera.
    20. Revamp my blog design — this is coming soon! (Er, hopefully!)
    21. Send family birthday cards off ON TIME.
    22. Run (and train) for at least one 5k.
    23. Continue (and get better at) eating healthy meals and snacks.
    24. Do something intentional for Kyle each day.
    25. Work on my relationship with Christ through the written word and prayer.
    26. Participate in play groups with friends in my neighborhood.

    And there you have it! Probably not the most exciting list, but it’s a good one for me! Tell me, do we have any similar goals? What are they? Or what are you working on right now?

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