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My Little Sunshines

    Giveaway Winner, My Little Sunshines

    My Little Sunshines {#4} + Giveaway Winner

    (A series where I share the current little sunshines in my life.)

    ::: Abe’s been working on his two bottom teeth, which has been making him kind of cranky (which is not so sunshiney). But! They’ve popped through which is so fun! His first teeth – how crazy.
    ::: I made the switch over to disqus for my blog comments. I think I have everything worked out, and I transferred over my old comments as well. Hopefully this way everyone will be able to see my responses to their comments! I think it’s so important that your readers know that you’re commenting and engaging with them.
    ::: We booked our tickets to fly to Utah for Christmas! I am so excited to see family and friends. And I’m double-excited that we booked non-stop tickets, so I don’t have to worry about layovers with Abey-baby.
    ::: We’re headed up and out to Priest Lake the first week of September with Kyle’s parents. We can’t wait to camp (in style!) in their trailer 🙂 And to go kayaking together.
    ::: Last night at our Young Women activity, the girls made cookies and wrote notes to those that could use a little encouragement. And then the sister missionaries shared a quick message about how what they girls did is missionary work. It was wonderful.
    ::: Tonight is a Relief Society activity – and I am so excited! I love getting together with friends to learn more about the Gospel and spend time together (and eat good food).
    ::: I’ve been earning some great products through Thirty-One by making my personal volume goals. It’s like Christmas whenever I get a package! I love working for a company that uses incentives to support and encourage us. Check out these great products that are on their way to my house right now! And all for free. Interested in learning more? Email me!
    ::: And last but not least, a big congrats to Kayley who won the Thirty-One giveaway!

    What little sunshines are currently in your life?
