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    Family and Friends, Recently

    Recently | March 2018


    How about a good old-fashioned update/recently/currently post, eh? Here’s what’s going on in the Hanson household.

    Recent Updates

    Wellllll, we’re headed down to Utah this weekend to BUY OUR MINIVAN. The excitement I feel about this is borderline embarrassing, but oh man, I am so excited. I’m sure I’ll be posting at least one picture on my Instagram this weekend, so look out for that, woohoo!

    I’m also 30 weeks along in this pregnancy and feeling it. While I don’t feel or look too huge, the baby feels huge, and is taking up all the space in my abdomen and making it known that s/he is there. I ended up failing my 1 hour glucose test by 1 point, and took the 3 hour test last week – but haven’t heard those results yet. Hope it’s good news when it comes!

    I’m ready for it be spring guys. Like real spring. We had a huge dumping of snow the first weekend of the month, then it warmed up to the 50s for a few days, then we had rain and another snow shower yesterday. Ugh. I don’t mind if it rains, but let’s be done with the snow, mmmkay?

    Recent Books I’ve Loved

    Every Note Played by Lisa Genova and Lullaby Road by James Anderson, both to which I gave 4 stars.

    Every Note Played is a “medical drama” in which Richard moves back in with his ex-wife Karina, after being diagnosed with ALS. Karina becomes his full-time caregiver, and through the downward spiral of his disease’s progression, they come to understand themselves and each other better than they did in their married years. It was just a good read, and I highly recommend it.

    Lullaby Road is the second book by James Anderson, and again features Ben Jones, the truck driver from Price, Utah. I don’t know what it is about Anderson’s books that draw me in, but oh, they do. I thoroughly enjoyed being immersed in desert of Utah again, and felt like I was riding shotgun the entire time. These books are raw and real, and just have terrific writing all around.

    Recent Favorite Beauty Products

    Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer. This stuff is just good, you guys.

    It’s A 10 Miracle Leave-In Product. Alright, this isn’t recent, since I’ve used it forever, but really, it’s just my favorite. Although I’m wanting to try some L’ange products soon, so I’ll let you know what I think of them once I order and use them.

    Maternity Joggers. I got some from Ross for under $10 a month or so ago, and they are the most comfortable things I have ever worn. Probably my best buy this pregnancy, ha!

    So there you have it!

    Just a few things that have been happening or that I’ve been loving recently. Feel free to share some of your recentlies below! 🙂
