About Me, Liebster Award

Liebster Award

Lisa over at From the North to the South nominated me for a Liebster Award!
It just made my day to get that email in my inbox. So thanks, Lisa!  
If you’re not familiar with the Liebster Award, here are the rules…
1. Post eleven facts about yourself
2. Answer the eleven questions provided by the person who nominated you, and then create an eleven-question set for the next group of nominees
3. Choose eleven people to nominate and link them in the post
4. Let your nominees know they’ve been tagged- and no tag-backs!
5. Nominate blogs under 200 followers (the goal is to promote small blogs 🙂 )
So, 11 Facts:
1. I’m 24, but it’s my birthday month! I’ll be 25 on the 28th.
2. I’m pretty short at 5’2″, and my husband is pretty tall at 6’5″! If you’re curious, that’s 15 inches between us.
3. I’ve had my hair styled every where from an a-line to waist length. 
4. Kyle and I were engaged for 8 months (less a week). That’s really long in Mormon time and really short in non-Mormon time, haha.
5. It took us one year of trying to conceive Abe.
6. I can lick my elbow.
7. I’m terrified of water, but somehow thought that snorkeling while on our honeymoon would be a good idea. Yeah… That didn’t end very well. Maybe I’ll try it again another time… Maybe.
8. In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m a huge bookworm. I could spend hours in a bookstore or library. (Bookstores are my favorite, nothing like that smell of books…)
9. I don’t like to share my own food, but I will sure ask for some of yours!
10. Sometimes I’m sad I “gave up” dancing in order to focus on college.
11. I haven’t dyed my hair since right after we got married. I love my natural color! 
And the questions from Lisa:
Where are you from? 
I’m currently living in northern Idaho, but I grew up in Utah County, Utah.

What’s your favorite color? 

When did you start blogging?  Why?
I answered this in a post here, but mostly I blog just to be able to to journal and type out my thoughts.
What’s your favorite movie? 
Ohhh, I have so many! But a few of my favorites are the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy, Win a Date with Tad Hamilton, the Harry Potter movies, Inception, and What About Bob?. 
What is you favorite childhood memory?
Lazy summer afternoons spent outside with friends.
If you could live one place in the world, where would it be?
I honestly love where I live right now! I do wish it were a few hours closer to our family and friends in Utah, but it’s so gorgeous up here it makes up for it.
What is your favorite hobby (aside from blogging)?
Reading! Absolutely!
Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
I’m a little of both, but really I’m a shy extrovert. I love to go out in big groups, but it’s taken a lot for me to overcome my shy and inhibited temperament. Just because I may act like the life of the party sometimes, doesn’t mean I’m not dying on the inside. And I do love time to myself 🙂
What is your dream job?
A stay at home momma, which I am! But before I was a momma I worked as a billing and office manager (then was promoted to regional operations manager) at a mental health and developmentally disability facility, and I’ve also worked at a child advocacy center. I love doing HR/billing/clerical type work in a mental health/DD/child advocacy center, because I can still be a part of a cause I love, even if I don’t have the right education (such as being a counselor or therapist) to work directly with the clients.
If you could compete on one game show, what would it be? Why? 
Ohhhhh that’s hard! But probably Wheel of Fortune 🙂 I get a kick out of trying to guess the word puzzles, and I’m definitely better at doing that than guessing prices or knowing facts.
If someone gave you a million dollars, how would you spend it? 
I would pay off our student loans first! Then buy a house, and a new car, and a camping trailer, then buy some things for Kyle, me and baby boy, and then save the rest (is saving allowed?). 
My Nominees:
3. Jessica at Being Mrs. Kirk
5. Sarah at Meet the Hattons
6. Aleigh at For the Joy of Life
7. Emma at Everyday Emmi
8. Larissa at Family Red
9. Ashley at From A to Z
10. Shayli at A Tidbit of Love
11. Anna at Calendar Days
{Some of you haven’t blogged in a while, so this is my way of saying I miss your blog posts!}
And my questions for you:
1. What is your current occupation?
2. What is your favorite book?
3. Where would you most like to travel?
4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10?
5. What TV shows are you currently watching?
6. What is your dream date?
7. What did you study in college? Or if you haven’t been, what would you like to?
8. What’s your favorite type of food?
9. What’s your favorite vacation that you’ve been on?
10. Are you a summer or winter person?
11. Books or movies?
I’m excited to read your responses! 
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