
My Writing Process

The lovely Jessica over at Seeking Individuality invited me to share my writing process, and I am so excited to do that (although I think it was technically supposed to go up yesterday, oh well!). But first, go over and check out Jessica’s blog. She is so cute and is much wiser than I was when I was in college. So back to my writing process, it might not be the most special or unique, but it’s what works for me! And maybe you’ll learn something new.

My Writing Process

 1. What am I working on?

I seem to always have a million drafts just milling around (ok, more like 20). But I like to have at least a few schedule or planned for the next week. Next week I’m joining up for the Tour Through Blogland series, so that’s my number 1 priority. I’m working on another installment of our love story, and I’m also working on a couple recipe posts and a what’s in my bag post, too.

 2. How does my work differ from others of its type/genre?

Mine differs because it’s about ME! I may write similar posts to other lifestyle/mommy bloggers – but it’s my own take on life and my own likes and dislikes. No one has the same experiences as me, and so my experiences have shaped who I am, how I write, and what I write about.

 3. Why do I write what I do?

I write about what I want to write about 🙂 I write about my husband and baby boy. I blog about my religion and why it’s important to me. I write about recipes I love or things I love to do. I write about books I love. I guess, mostly, I write about what I love.

 4. How does your writing process work?

I start with an idea, usually scribbled down in my planner. Then I create a new post with the idea as a header. Then, when I feel inspired to write about that topic and/or have the time, then I write up the post! Sometimes it takes me a few days, other times I can pound it out in one. Just depends on how much time I have or how much inspiration I have.
Once a blog post is ready to go, I will schedule it to go live. As you can see from my picture, I use little skinny stickies to plan out my posts. I will write out the topic and stick it on the side. Once I’ve finished the post and scheduled it, I put a check-mark so I know it’s done. As far as graphics go.. I usually wait until after I’ve written the post to make my graphic.

So there you go, a little about my writing process 🙂

And now, passing it along… I’m excited for these three bloggers to share their writing process with us!

Tayler over at Our Fairy Tale. She blogs about life with her husband and baby, and about being a history teacher. I’ve just started following her and I’m excited to get to know her and her little family better!

Neive over at The Aussie Osborns. First of all, her blog name slays me, I think it’s so funny! 🙂 I also just recently started following her blog, but I love it!

Ashley over at From A to Z. Ok, so I didn’t actually ask Ashley if she wanted to do this before posting this, oops! Surprise, Ash! But I would love for her to post about her writing process if she would like 🙂

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