Book Reviews, Link Up, Operation Read Your Shelves

Operation Read Your Shelves // November // Invisible


This month for ORYS I picked up the book Invisible, by Hugues de Montalembert. I picked up this book at the dollar store (yes, seriously!) a couple of years ago, because the premise sounded interesting, and hello! It was one dollar! And then it sat, and sat, and sat on my shelves. This month I had already read quite a few books, and I’m gearing up for the winter 2014 book challenge, so I wanted something short, which this is. So anyway, back to the book.

It was… Ok. The author tells us about his life after going blind. He had come home one evening, while living in New York City, to find 2 men robbing his apartment. There was a struggle, and one of the men threw paint remover in his eyes, which quickly stripped him of sight. The rest of the book details his recovery and how he went on to live his life.

The book was just too scattered for me, I didn’t enjoy his writing style or the way his experiences were written in short little bursts. And a few of his ideas I didn’t agree with. However, there were a few interesting parts, where he talks about how vision is not just perception, and how he continued to see after going blind — but creating his own visions from the memories he had of when he could see. He talks about how one can “see” music and noise — they see and create their own images and reality, which was a fascinating concept to me.

But other than that, I was unimpressed, and rated it 2 out of 5 stars.

34 Magnolia Street

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