Blog-tember 2015

Blog-tember 2015 | Day 9 + a Letter to 16-year-old Self

Today’s Blog-tember prompt is to write a letter to your sixteen-year-old self. I actually wrote one around this time last September, but thought it would be fun to write up a new one. I love looking back at my time in high school. It was time of fun, pain, learning, and growth, and really shaped me into the person who I am today. I had many unique life experiences as a teen (the biggest ones being the birth of a sister, finding out my father is gay, and my mom and step-dad’s divorce) and really learned a lot. I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into my teenage years.

Day 9: Write a letter to 16-year-old you.

First off, I love you. And while I’m sorry for the crappy things you are dealing with at the moment, I’m not sorry for how they end up changing you as a person. You’ve always been empathetic and quietly strong, and you’ll continue to be so now. You will be able to face a new year, and a new school with a smile on your face, and while you might be faking it the first few days, you’ll find the best friends you could ever have, and soon you’ll be laughing your way through the halls. I promise. 

As far as school itself goes, it might be a good idea to at least try a little in your classes. Yes, high school is a breeze for you and you are an honor roll student, but it wouldn’t hurt you to try a little harder anyway, and it will come in handy when you get to college. High school is easy, and your freshman year at BYU will be an interesting awakening for you.

I would encourage you to put yourself out there, because now looking back you did! Such a shy, bookish girl like you can thrive in group activities, which is something you are just now finding out. You are shy, almost painfully so at times, but you are an extrovert, and the more you push yourself out of your comfort zone the more you will grow, and the happier you will become. 

These years are fundamental ones in building your faith. Keep attending church, keep going to seminary, keep reading your scriptures, keep praying. Build those habits. Don’t let them slip away. You need Jesus. You need God. And They are just waiting for you to call to Them. I promise you They will come. 

Remember to love. Love your family, love your friends, love your life. You’re ever the optimist and that is something I love about you. Remember that things will work out — even if it’s not with Braden… or Caleb 😉 There is happiness that you can only dream of ahead if you just keep striving along the way. There will be heartbreak and heartache, too, but that is just how life goes. And it makes you stronger.

Again, I love you. Thanks for being you, so I can be me, 10 years later. We’ve made a pretty good life, you and I. I can’t wait for you to see it and experience it.

Love, for always,
26-year-old Brittanny

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