Baby #2, Family and Friends

Baby #2 | 36 Weeks

34 weeks.

It is literally the final countdown over here, guys. I’m 36 weeks tomorrow, and Abe came at 37+1, so I’m hoping this sweet little lady follows suit. Actually I’ll be glad if she stays put an extra week, so I can get all I need to done for the house and blog before she comes! This weekend is going to be full of deep cleaning, freezer meal making, and packing hospital bags, so that we’re prepared for whenever this bundle of joy will make her appearance…. 

I’m going to be real here for a minute — I’ve really started to get uncomfortable, I’m sick of being paranoid over her movements, I hate having to pee all the time (especially at night) and I’d really like to be able to move around more easily. I’m also ready to get back into my non-maternity clothes, and be able to put my own shoes on πŸ˜‰ I’m sick of the heartburn and acid reflux, the congestion,  and the other little things that go along with pregnancy. Pregnancy is weird and sometimes gross and awesome. Especially when you’re only 5’2″ πŸ˜‰ 

I really am lucky and grateful that I have such easy pregnancies, and that I am able to get and stay pregnant! I know it’s a wonderful thing, and I’m so excited to grow our family. But sometimes it is rough, even for us mommas that have it pretty good, so don’t feel bad if every now and then you feel like it’s rough and tough. Because it totally is.
All that aside — baby is looking good! At my appointment this week I learned that I’m up 14 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight, and that baby is most likely settling into the head down position. I’m still hoping to be able to attempt a VBAC but! We scheduled a c-section for November 2nd, just in case she doesn’t come before then and I haven’t progressed or showed any signs of labor yet. I’m feeling so antsy about getting her here. I know all moms are, but with our weird experience with Abe, it makes me even more so, I think. 

I just realized that I haven’t talked much about her nursery on here… To be honest, it’s all in disarray at the moment! We still have boxes/suitcases in there to unpack, but they are all currently covered by a drop cloth as Kyle paints her room. Hopefully we he can get all the painting done this weekend, and then we can get all those boxes unpacked and put away. However, she’s not going to have any furniture in there for a while anyway. We decided to forego buying her a dresser right now (saving money over here!) and of course, Abe is still in the crib that she’ll use. We plan on her sleeping in the bassinet by our bed, like Abe did, for at least the first few weeks, so we really have no rush to switch Abe over to the toddler bed yet. I’ll still be glad when it’s at least painted and emptied out though! And when it is put together I’ll be so excited to share it with you πŸ™‚ 

That’s about all I have this week. Pregnancy is flying by. I’m hoping to get in at least one more update here on the blog before she comes! I really can’t believe it’s coming up so quickly.

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