Family and Friends, Five On Friday

Five On Friday | Vol. 4

Five On Friday

Hi friends! I love sharing these Five on Friday posts with you, to let you get a little glimpse into our lives. These posts allow me to share with you random things that might not make the blog otherwise – which would be fine – but allow us to grow closer, since they’re the things I would bring up in a random conversation with a friend. I hope you enjoy them!

1 | A Recap of Valentine’s Day

We had such a great Valentine’s Day/weekend/week. I planned it this year, which Kyle miiiight have regretted, but we had a blast. To start with – I did a 14 Days of Valentines for Kyle this year, which isn’t as impressive as it sounds, haha. I should have done a little more preparation, but since I’ve been thinking about doing this for the last like 5 years, I’m just impressed I remembered to do it in advance! Basically what I did was leave him a little treat or do something nice for him each day of February leading up to Valentine’s Day. Like a Poweraide, or a bag of candy, or another snack for work. I cooked him a steak dinner one night (we never buy steak, but it’s his favorite) and the kids and I took him lunch another day. Just things like that. He enjoyed it, and I enjoyed doing it.

Then, on Friday the 12th, a friend of mine hosted a couples party. We all dressed up a bit, and brought appetizers and desserts to share, and enjoyed playing some fun minute to win it type games. The majority of the couples there are in our ward (church congregation) so it was fun to get to know them better, too. We ended the night with door prizes, and Kyle and I got gift cards to Chick-Fil-A, so SCORE!

Then last Saturday night, the 20th, was our actual couple date for Valentine’s. We have a playhouse in town that offers dinner and a show, and when I saw that this month’s show was Mary Poppins, I was sold! It’s Kyle’s favorite, and one of the dinners they offer is prime rib so… Need I say more? And what made it even more fun was running into one of our favorite couples EVER who were there the same night! Tyler and Jana were in our ward up in Post Falls, and Tyler was actually Kyle’s boss, too. But they and their family moved down here a while before we did, and we hadn’t been able to catch up with them since the move. What luck that we were there on the same night? And there were two free seats across from us at our table, so they were able to move over and sit with us. SCORE again. It was so fun!

So there you have it – our Valentine’s adventures. Oh, and Kyle got me a potted orchid and some chocolate, so that was a win, too. Love that guy.

Valentine's Day 2016

2 | Moving Abe to A Toddler Bed

Kyle and I do not co-sleep with our kids. I mean, we have with both of them a handful of times when they’re newborns, but we stop that pretty quickly. We do, however, have our newborn babes sleep in a bassinet in our room for the first little bit, mostly because it makes nighttime feedings SO much easier. But we don’t like the baby in the same room as us, and we like to get them out as soon as we can and feel comfortable with. With Abe we waited until 3 months, which in hindsight could have been a bit sooner. With Eliza, it was around 2.5 months – mostly because we needed to paint the toddler bed so we could transition Abe to that so Eliza could have the crib. I was a little nervous, because Abe slept so well in his crib, but I knew it had to happen, so about a month ago, we did it. And it went so well. Abe thinks his bed is the coolest thing ever, and tries to make up excuses to play on it, and he goes straight to bed (most nights). He does play around a little bit sometimes, but will fall asleep pretty soon after. He naps great still, too. He is waking up a bit earlier than he used to, but it’s still between 8 and 9 am, so I can’t complain. (Oh, and Eliza transitioned to the crib beautifully, too, hoorah!)

Toddler Bed

3 | Doctor Visits

I finally made appointments for myself to go to the eye doctor and the dentist. Believe me, they are both wayyy overdue. I really enjoyed my new dentist office, although I do have a few cavities to get filled, and I need to get my wisdom teeth out, but all in all, my teeth are good. I also was able to order a new pair of contacts, and am planning on getting some new glasses soon, as well. Hooray for being able to see!

4 | Play Groups

There are a lot of mommas in my ward (church congregation) who stay at home with their kiddos, so we decided to put together a play group for us all to get together once a week. So far we’ve done it twice, and it is so fun. We meet at our church right now, and let the kids run around the cultural hall (a big activity area) while the mommas chat. It’s good to get out of the house, let Abe socialize, and gives me an opportunity to socialize, too!

5 | 2 Kids

Guys, having 2 kids is a blast. I’m working on a post about it, but until then… It’s just so fun, especially to see them interact now that Eliza is a little bigger. I can’t wait until she’s fully able to play with Abe, though, what fun that will be!

Two Kids

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