Food and Eating, Motherhood and Baby

Tips for the Overwhelmed Mom | Food Edition

This post is sponsored by Happy Family Brands but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

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Feeding your child can be a battle.

It starts with breastfeeding, and we all know how hard that can be. And then, maybe you make the choice to switch to formula, and then you start to introduce solids and that comes with a whole range of questions, too. And then your child becomes more vocal about what they do and do not want, and then maybe you have another child, and the cycle starts over again, except now you have 2 children to feed and you feel stretched thin as you try to introduce new (and healthy!) food options and also make sure they’re eating enough. Whew. It’s enough to make any momma frustrated and upset!

And I’ve been there. With my first, we happily started trying him on solids around 6 months, and kept on feeding him different types of food. He ate most things, and we congratulated ourselves on a job well done. Then, when he was 19 months, my daughter was born, and between that and my husband working a job that required him to work evenings most of the time, our mealtimes became a bit rough and more lax. And my little boy that would eat anything quickly became a picky eater.

Since I know how hard it can be, I wanted to share a few tips with you today, about how to make meal and snack times less stressful, and more fun! I hope they help you as you navigate what can be an especially tricky part of motherhood.

Take a breath.

As mom’s it’s SO easy to get worked up and anxious over your child – whether it’s nutrition, health, learning, etc. But I promise you this, unless you’re working with your pediatrician for specific concerns, your child is getting enough food! I’ve fought this battle, thinking that my kid(s) were going to starve because they weren’t eating. But the truth is, if you keep offering food, at one point they will eat it. If you’re extra worried, maybe grab some vitamins and add that to your child’s routine.

(Of course, if you feel like something is wrong, listen to your mom gut, and take your child to the doctor. But overall, I’m sure they’re doing fine.)

Implement a routine.

You can decide on a routine that works for you, but for me, I’ve been implementing a snack time for my kids, where I offer them a snack at a predetermined time, and if they eat it, great! If they don’t, that’s ok, too, but they can’t come asking for a snack 30 minutes later, they have to wait until the next mealtime, instead. Structure is something that flew out the window once I had more than one child (as you know, I now have three 4 and under), but it’s something I’m trying hard to regain, because it truly benefits us all!

Utilize Happy Family’s support platform.

Happy Family has created a (FREE!) chat system where you can chat with lactation specialists and/or registered dietitians, who are all moms! That means they’ve been there, and are also trained on some of the best ways to help you help your child. This is such a fantastic resource, and I love that I now have friends and experts just a click away,

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Try something new.

My friend Jana suggested using silicone muffin pans, and I am planning on starting to do this with my kids! It is such a fun idea. You can search for other ideas to make food and mealtime more fun, too.

Find a healthy item they love.

For my kids, this has consistently been pouches, yogurt, and smoothies. I love the Happy Family fruit pouches (they also have yogurt pouches!) because they taste good, and I know my kids are getting the nutrients they need — plus they’re a quick snack when we’re on the go! I also sometimes blend them up in smoothies for my kids. It never hurts to add a little extra fiber and protein!

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It’s a work in progress, it really is. And some days are more challenging than others. I’m still right there in the thick of it, trying to get my picky eater(s) to eat more and eat healthier. I’m hoping that by following my own advice (ha!) that things will start looking up for me, and for you!


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