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Good Girls Lie | Blog Tour

Good Girls Lie by J. T. Ellison is a new YA thriller that takes place at an all-girls prep school. The writing was fantastic, so I’d recommend it on that alone. I enjoyed the story for what it was, but I figured out the main twist fairly early on (or at least a main component of it), and when the full story came to light I wasn’t blown away. If you get a chance to pick it up though, I still would! Like I said, the writing style was great, and I find books that are set at prep schools fascinating, it’s such a strange world!

To give you an example of the writing, here’s a small excerpt from the first chapter. It hooks you instantly, right?! Enjoy!

The girl’s body dangles from the tall iron gates guarding the school’s entrance. A closer
examination shows the ends of a red silk tie peeking out like a cardinal on a winter branch, forcing her
neck into a brutal angle. She wears her graduation robe and multicolored stole as if knowing she’ll never
see the achievement. It rained overnight and the thin robe clings to her body, dew sparkling on the
edges. The last tendrils of dawn’s fog laze about her legs, which are five feet from the ground.
There is no breeze, no birds singing or squirrels industriously gathering for the long winter
ahead, no cars passing along the street, only the cool, misty morning air and the gentle metallic creaking
of the gates under the weight of the dead girl. She is suspended in midair, her back to the street, her
face hidden behind a curtain of dirty, wet hair, dark from the rains.
Because of the damage to her face, it will take them some time to officially identify her. In the
beginning, it isn’t even clear she attends the school, despite wearing The Goode School robes.
But she does.

Thanks to Harlequin Books for sending me an ARC via NetGalley to facilitate this review.

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