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    Fave Finds | Influenster & Ipsy

    Fave Finds

    I love sharing favorite products with you, but I’ve been terrible about actually doing so, so I am finally scheduling in one day a month to do just that! Today I’m sharing with you some of my favorite products that I received this month in my Ipsy bag and my Influenster VoxBoxes. I hope you like them!


    To be honest, I wasn’t blown away by the products in this months Ipsy bag. BUT that’s not to say I didn’t have a few I liked, because I did! (PS, don’t know what Ipsy is? For $10 a month you can receive a cute makeup bag full of 5 products to try. Some are full size and some are sample size, but it’s a great way to get exposure to new products and brands. Try it here!)

    • skyn Iceland cleansing cloths: These are like any other makeup removing cloth… Except better. The are so, so soft, and take off ALL your makeup, including mascara! They’re big too, I was able to use one cloth on my whole face, which is something I find I can’t always do with other brands. They’re fairly affordable at $15 for 30, so check them out if you’d like!
    • Beau Gachis Paris Smudge Brush: I’ve been wanting a smudge brush for a while, so I was happy to get one in my bag! I like this one so far.
    Ipsy January 2016

    One product missing due to me not being able to find it. Oops.


    Have y’all heard of Influenster? I love them. They’re a review site, so you go online, fill out a profile and connect your social media accounts, and then you’ll start qualifying for VoxBoxes. VoxBoxes are themed boxes they send out full of products to review – for free! They’re generally full size and wonderful. Want to sign up? You can here! In December I qualified for the COVERGIRL VoxBox and the Jingle VoxBox, and both were fab. Here are a few of my favorite items from them both.

    • COVERGIRL Colorlicious Oh Sugar! in Soda: This fab lipstick goes on SO smooth and feels great on my lips. I love this specific color, too. Definitely one of my new go-tos.
    • Biscoff Cookies: Ok, these bad boys aren’t fashion or beauty related, but holy crap they’re good. I actually first came across these about a year ago, when the airline we were flying on gave them out, and I quickly fell in love. I don’t drink coffee, but I assume they would be delicious with it.
    • Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream: Who doesn’t love Cetaphil? They are just the best as far as face cream goes. So moisturizing and smooth.
    VoxBox January 2016

    Hallmark Rapunzel Itty Bitty not shown because my kids have claimed it as their own already. But it’s so cute!

    So there you have it, a few of my current fave finds that I received via Ipsy or Influenster. Have you tried any of them? Or what are your current faves? Tell me below!

    Other Fave Finds here.

    Affiliate links used.

  • VoxBox


    I recently received my first voxbox in the mail, and I was so excited! It was like a mini Christmas….