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Gift Guides for Kids and Babies

    Gift Guides for Kids and Babies, Motherhood and Baby

    Gift Guide Series 2016 | For Babes: PeekabooKidsBoutique

    Gift Guide Series

    Back in May I wanted to get some new head shots done, but wasn’t really sure where to start looking for a photographer in my town. I belong to a local moms facebook group, and one day a photographer posted that she was running a special. I messaged her, and set up a time for a shoot. During the shoot we chatted and found out we go to the same church, have kids similar ages, and are both from out of town. I awkwardly messaged her the next day asking if she’d like to plan a play date with our kids…. And the rest is history! Kels had taken photos for me a few different times, and also took the most recent pictures of my kiddos. And not only is Kels my go-to photographer (check out her site here), but I would also call her my best friend in-town. She is seriously the greatest to hang out with.

    But what does that have to do with bibs, you ask? Kelsey has recently started a little etsy boutique, PeekabooKidsBoutique, making and selling baby bibs, and I’m excited to share them with you today! They are double-sided, velcro bibs, perfect for both meal-time and drooling babies.



    I tried 3 separate days to take cute pictures of Eliza in these bibs, and these are the best pictures I got. She is just so busy and always on the move, ha! But here you can see the size of the bibs on this sweet one(!) year old of mine.



    Aren’t they the cutest? To purchase, check out Kelsey’s etsy shop PeekabooKidsBoutique! You can also like her facebook page here to see new products and be the first to know about sales! Kelsey doesn’t only make bibs, either. Look how cute this Stroller Quilt is! It’s such a genius idea, and would make the perfect baby shower gift 🙂

    I hope you enjoyed this little introduction to PeekabooKidsBoutique! I can’t wait to see what else Kelsey comes up with.
