
Easy Crockpot Italian Chicken

I have two favorite recipes that both involve the crockpot, chicken, Italian dressing, and cream cheese.
So today I’ll share one, and at another time I’ll share the other.
This recipe is easy, delicious, and a favorite at our house.
Easy Italian Chicken


2 chicken breasts

4 ounces (one-half brick) of cream cheese
1/2 packet of Italian dressing
1 can cream of chicken soup

Stick the above ingredients in the crockpot and cook for 4-6 hours on high.
(I like to use slow cooker liners, they make clean-up SO much easier!)

Shred chicken before serving.
Serve over rice.
And that’s it. 
Super easy, and super delicious.
The above probably would serve 2-3 adults.
But it’s easily doubled (or even tripled!) for a bigger family.

{Shout out to my sister-in-law Brooke who first introduced me to this recipe!}
{Also, forgive the paper plate presentation – we were pressed for time!}

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