About Me, Blog Awards

One Lovely Blog Award

The wonderful Leah over at My Favorite Adventure tagged me in this blog award — one that I hadn’t heard of before! Leah is one of my faves and you should definitely go and check her blog out.

Here are the rules:

You must display the award logo at the top of your post
You must thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog
You must add this set of rules so your nominees know what to do
You must add seven facts about yourself
You must nominate seven new blogs and leave links to each of them
You must let the nominated know that they’ve been chosen for the award
You must follow the person who nominated you back on Bloglovin’ (if you have one)

Here are seven facts about me:

1. My middle name is Hope.
2. 3 other names my parents considered for me were Chelsea, Holly, and Felicity.
3. I’m a mountain over beach person.
4. Some of my closest friends I met online.
5. Give me carbs or give me death.
6. I dabbled in pretty much everything in junior high and high school except band.
7. I love soft serve ice cream …. a lot.

Here are my nominations:

Courtney at From Here to Eternity
Amanda at Life with Grace
Kenzie at Life in the Sunshine
Sierra at Sierra’s View
Kerri at Huck and Oats
Kayla at Mississipi Mrs.
Whitney at Southern Hope

I’ll be excited to hear from you if you decide to participate!

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