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Community Brew // Seasons

The seasons of life is such an interesting subject to me. We are often looking on to the next one, while the one we are in has barely started. There is always something us to do, or be, or have. There is a lot of pressure in the LDS culture to get married young and start popping out babies. There is NO doctrine that corroborates this, by-the-way, but because the Church does encourage marriage and families, somewhere along the way this pressure was created. I remember begin 18 and already looking forward to the day I got married — and I almost let my single, fun, college life pass me by. And then, once I got married, that itch for babies started, and it seemed like every other married couple I knew was pregnant. And when Kyle was in graduate school and I was working full-time, we looked ahead to being out of school and being parents. And now we’re there — and what is the next step? Buying a house, having another kid, getting a dog (just kidding about that last one, we are not pet people). But you know what I mean — it’s an endless cycle.
community brew seasons

Kyle and I have talked about this numerous times. Kyle even wrote a great blog post about it a couple of years ago, and you can read it HERE. It is so, so important to enjoy and savor the season you are in. You are in that season for a reason. It is a time you will never get back. I am so glad that I have been able to savor my seasons of life — first as a relatively care-free single college kid, as a 19 year-old falling in love with her forever, as a newlywed navigating marriage, as a not-so-newlywed college grad working full-time as her husband is in grad school, and now as a stay-at-home momma and wife — I have learned so much as each season comes and goes, and really, looking back, each season was so short, and if I had been worried about what came next I would have missed out on all the amazing experiences I had. And I believe that we need to be intentional about our seasons. We can’t just be complacent as we wait for the next one to come along. You will not move from one season to the next without some work. It doesn’t happen that way. We need to work for what we want, as at the same time we need to enjoy what we have.

I really love the season I’m in now — stay-at-home momma to my sweet baby boy, and a wife to my Kyle. I love what I do, and what I am learning. As always, I have more to learn, and I can be better in many ways, but I am trying and striving and learning …
and it’s beautiful.

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