
TODAY ||| or how I feel about the SCOTUS decision

I didn’t mean to write this blog post. And in fact as I type this I’m unsure if I will post it. But after seeing all the hate (and celebration!) today on social media, I have many thoughts swirling in my head, and even if I never post this I need to get those thoughts down into some sort of coherent order.

First, let me begin by saying this.

I believe that marriage is ordained of God and should be between a man and a woman. 

That is what my religion teaches, and what I wholeheartedly believe.

But that doesn’t mean that I do not think that everyone should have the choice of being married and committed to who they love – male of female. And it doesn’t mean that I am not thrilled about today’s SCOTUS decision. Because I do and I am.

I am not going to force my religious beliefs on others, nor do I believe in condemning the “sinner”. (Although, to be honest, I hate the word sinner. It has such a harsh connotation, and also, are we not all sinners?) But that is a post for another day. Today I am not posting about my personal, religious beliefs or the findings of peer reviewed studies or anything else. Today I am talking about how I am feeling, today.

Full disclosure: my dad is gay, and while it’s not my story to tell, let me say that I am absolutely 100% excited to participate in his marriage next month to his partner of 12 years. Perhaps at another time I will post my experience of having a gay father, but then again, I might not. It’s a personal and special one and one I’m not sure I am ready to share with the world. But know this, I love my dad and his partner. And I support them in their decision to marry and be together.

Besides being thrilled today, I am also sad. I have many, many close minded friends that have been posting hurtful and hateful statuses today via social media. I understand that they are hurting for their religion, and in some cases, for their country. I understand that they are defending what they believe in, for I believe in the same thing. I know and understand that we have been called upon to defend and uphold our religious beliefs, but the way they are going about it just hurts my heart.

Do I know what the future holds for religions and religious based businesses across the country? No. I am not naive enough to think this is the end of whatever battle this has become, but today, I do not care. Today, I do not care about anything other than the joy that must be filling so many, like my dad, today.

Do I know if this is the beginning of the end, so to speak, for our beloved country and our rights? I do not know. And again, today, I do not care. I do not care because I know that God knows what is happening, and what will happen. He has a plan, He always does.

So today, I will be happy for those family members and friends who are so personally impacted and affected by this news. Today I will celebrate with them. Today, I will choose love.

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