Blog-tember 2015, Family and Friends

Blog-tember 2015 | Day 28 + Day in My Life

I love this prompt, as it’s one that I’ve been wanting to write about on my blog for a while, but haven’t had the chance to yet. It’s a day in my life. I’ll be honest, my life is preeetttyyy boring right now. I also know that in 6 weeks or so this routine is going to be out the window, but for now, here’s a little glimpse of what we’re up to every day. 

Day 28: A day in the life.

7:00 | Kyle gets up to get ready for work. I generally roll over and try to sleep for a few more minutes.

7:45 | Kyle leaves for work, and I’m generally awake at this point. I’ll roll out of bed, put on some sweats, make myself some breakfast, and sit down at the computer. I go through emails, blog comments, read posts on Bloglovin’, plan my to-dos for the day, prep blog posts, etc. I do all that I can before my little guy gets up for the day.

9:00 | Sometime between 9 and 10, Abe wakes up. I’ll get him out of his crib and feed him breakfast. Then it’s a diaper and outfit change, and then time to play. This usually entails putting on some music, doing some chores, reading books, playing cars, etc. Abe is pretty good at just wandering around and entertaining himself, and he’s pretty hilarious to watch explore and discover new things. 

12:00 | Time for lunch! After lunch, Abe goes down for a nap, and I do a variety of things. Chores, blog posts, a nap myself, reading. Basically whatever I feel like at the time.

2:00 | Abe wakes up, we eat a snack, and it’s either more play time or we run errands. Occasionally we’ll get together with friends, too. After a few hours, I start to prep for dinner.

5:15 | About 2 or 3 days a week, this is the time Kyle comes home. (A couple other nights a week he’ll come home between 7-9, depending on his clients.) I generally try to have dinner ready so when he gets home we can sit right down and eat. After dinner, we just relax. We might play with Abe, watch a show with him, read, go on a walk, etc. 

8:00 | Bed time for the Abey baby! He gets a sippy cup of milk, we’ll read a story from his children’s scriptures, brush his teeth, and say family prayers. (If it’s a bath night we’ll do that first, at around 7:30.) After we put Abe to bed, K and I go downstairs and watch and episode or two of the show we’re currently watching. 

10:00 | Bed time for us! We try to make it to bed between 10 and 10:30 each night. We like our sleep. 

So there you have it. A day in the life. Right now, being pregnant, I don’t do too awfully much outside the house, nor do I exercise. But you know what? That’s ok. As I said earlier in this post, in a few weeks our lives will turn upside with a new addition, and we’ll have to start up a new routine. And that’s ok, too. 

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