A Thankful Heart, Link Up

A Thankful Heart Link Up

for the joy of life

Today I’m happy to be co-hosting the A Thankful Heart Link Up with Aleigh from For the Joy of Life. Aleigh and I met online, and I’ve had a blast getting to know her as we’ve shared blogging knowledge back and forth. And since I’m co-hosting today, I’m using this post as my general Thanksgiving post, hence why I didn’t post on Thanksgiving 🙂 I hope you’ll link up with us today if you feel so inclined! 

I love Thanksgiving. It’s still fall (even though it’s snowing as I type this…) and couple that with delicious food (all my favorites! the potatoes! the turkey! the cranberry! the rolls! the pie!) and a holiday that revolves around being thankful… Well, it just makes my heart happy. You can see what I posted about being thankful for last year here, and today I’m thrilled to share with you what I’m thankful for this year. 

1 | Kyle
The majority of my blessings come from being married to this wonderful man. The fact that I found him, married him and have created a life with him still blows me away sometimes. Sure, we have our differences and disagreements, but we are fiercely loyal to each other, and we love each other. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for Kyle’s presence in my life.

2 | Abe and Eliza
Oh, my two cuties. I blinked and somehow have become a mom of two precious souls. Being a mother is all I ever wanted to be growing up, and now that is what I am. And it’s amazing. To have these two little beings in my home, to raise and to love and to protect is awe-inspiring and humbling. 

3 | My Home
Kyle and I are so thankful that we were able to purchase our first home (er, part of our first home? he.) earlier this year. Afters years and years of renting (although not as many as some people, I know) the fact that we found the perfect home for us to buy has made us so happy. I’m thankful for the shelter it provides and for the Spirit that resides here.

4 | My Health
This year has been one for the books as far as health struggles that my friends and family have gone though. With each announcement of cancer, infertility, other diseases, etc., I am more and more thankful for the health that I have been blessed with so far. 

5 | Family
My parents, my sister, my in-laws, my extended family, my friends who are as good as family, my church family, etc. I’m so grateful for their presence in my life, and for all they’ve taught me and how much they love me. Family is everything.

6 | My Faith
In times such as these, I’m thankful for my faith, my religion, my foundation, my scriptures. Without the Gospel in my life, I don’t know where I would be. My faith is what keeps me happy, and it influences every choice I make. And I’m so grateful for the scriptures, that show me the way and teach me of Christ. 

7 | Kyle’s Job
I am so thankful for Kyle’s job. That it’s one he enjoys, that it pays enough for our needs and wants, and that it offers great benefits. We are definitely lucky, that’s for sure.

8 | My Savior
I love my Savior. I’m so thankful for His sacrifice for me (and for you!). Because of Him and through Him, I can live with my loved ones forever. I can repent of my sins, and He will remember them no more. I can become better, and become all that I was made to be. 


For the Joy of Life

Link Up Rules:
1) Please subscribe to or follow your host and co-host’s of the week. (first 4 links)
 2) Visit and comment on at least 3 other blogs. This link up is meant to create a blog community so don’t be shy!
 3) In your post, please either share The”Thankful Heart” button above by inserting the code or link back to this post on your blog post. 4) Make your post more appealing and creative by adding whatever pictures you please and as many reasons to be thankful as you’d like! (remember that the post you link up should be about what you are thankful for!)
(#5 is optional but, very much recommended!)
 5) Share your post on instagram using #thankfulheartseries (with your choice of picture) and go check out other posts! Be a friend and comment on or like their posts 🙂

What are you thankful for this year?
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