Food and Eating, Motherhood, Motherhood and Baby

It’s All Worth It

It's All Worth It

As we approach Mother’s Day this year, I’ve been contemplating my own journey of motherhood. Being a mom is something I have always wanted to do. I’m literally living out my dream life right now. But still, even for one that loves mothering, that loves being at home, that loves her children, I still have my days when it’s just plain hard. Motherhood is definitely not for the faint of heart, yet it is the single most important thing I can be doing with my time. Motherhood has stretched me in so many different ways, and overall, it has made me a better and more well-rounded person.

And when I have those days when it’s hard, when I just want to run away and sleep through the night and read and write to my heart’s content, I remember certain moments I’ve had with my children and I remember that it’s all worth it.

Some of those moments have come in the form of newborn snuggles. Others are baby’s first smile, first teeth, or first time saying “mama”. Watching them interact with their daddy. I love when my babes are able to start playing in an exersaucer and explore the world around them. I love all their big moments of development, as I get to teach them and cheer them on in growing up. Seeing them grow and develop and learn and laugh reminds me that it’s all worth it.

Every sleepless night.
Every anxiety-filled day.
It’s all worth it.

One of my favorite “it’s all worth it moments” has been when I started feeding Abe solids. Watching him discover food was such a delight. His facial expressions, the way his tongue moved… It was just all hilarious and so fun to watch. And as I gave him new foods, he got to explore more tastes and textures, and discover his own likes and dislikes, and he really just became such a little person in my eyes – no longer a baby.

It's All Worth It

Many of the new foods we’ve given Abe have been made by Gerber. It’s a brand we trust, and one that Abe really loves. I’m looking forward to introducing Eliza to her own Gerber brand food.  It’s a brand that has made our own “it’s all worth it moments” possible. I’m proud to say that my babies are #growingupgerber.

So when those hard days come, and they do, I cling to the small moments of love and peace and joy and happiness. The ones that make me remember that it’s all worth it. And instead of getting angry, I smile. Because I know it’s all worth it. And there’s nothing in the world I would rather be doing.

I’d love to know – what are moments that have made it all worth it for you?

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