Eliza, Family and Friends

Eliza At Six Months

Eliza 7 Months

Height: 27 1/4 inches (92nd %tile)
Weight: 14 lbs 14 oz (24th %tile)
Head Circumference: 17 1/4 inches (87th %tile)

(Ok, so seeing as Eliza turned 7 months earlier this week, this is obviously a late update. Oops. I was waiting to post it until I took her monthly picture… But then I kept forgetting to take that. So. Here’s her 7 month picture, with a 6 month update. Carry on….)

Somehow I blinked and my littlest love is a whole half-a-year old. What is that about?  Time goes by faster and faster each year that I am alive, and adding children to the mix makes it move even faster. It blows my mind. And so, here we are.

Eliza has quite a few nicknames such as Ellie, Ellie Bellie, Elsabells, Ella Bella and Lizzie Whizzie. And of course Abe’s “WIZA!” We think she is pretty darn cute, too, but I’ll let you be the judge of that, as we might be biased. Abe thinks the world of her and as soon as he wakes up in the morning he immediately asks for her (or Daddy, or both).

We’re still struggling in the area of sleep. About 2 months ago, we had a whole week of sleeping through the night (about 10 pm – 6 am) and we were thrilled. But then she went back to her waking up at least twice a night routine, and she’s also had a couple of colds since then which has resulted in her waking up every 1-2 hours for quite a few days, too. It’s always up in the air on how she’ll be that night, so…. Yeah. I’m planning on implementing some Ferberizing soon, I just haven’t yet because we’ve had some crazy schedules the last few weeks, and I want Kyle to actually be home with me to do it. We’re also going to be adding a couple of things into our bedtime routine, so fingers crossed that we’ll get her to sleep better soon! This momma needs it. She’s a bit of a moody baby, too. Sometimes she’ll be extremely happy, but then she’ll snap and be grumpy a second later. I didn’t know girls started that this young 😉 She takes at least one long nap a day (usually in her crib), and usually about 2 or 3 other shorter ones either in my arms or in her bouncer or carseat (if we’re out).

She doesn’t have any teeth yet – she teased us with teething a couple of months ago, but none have popped through. She is a crazy, crazy drooler though. She’s not spitting up too much any more, thankfully. We’ve just started her on solids, and I’m hoping to get in a better routine with those soon. So far she seems to think they’re okay. She’s eating every 2-ish hours during the day (4 ounces of formula at a time). Well, generally, at least. She’s kind of a snacker, and gets so distracted so sometimes it’s all I can do to get her to eat 2 ounces, and then she will finish it 40 minutes later.

She’s not “crawling”, but she’s very adept at scooting, rolling, or kicking her way to anywhere she wants to go! She’s quite mobile. And speaking of moving…. She is a huge mover. She always has to be doing something, and gets so distracted by anything and everything. She always wants to be sitting up but as soon as she is sitting she’s reaching for something so she falls over. She is our little wiggle worm, that’s for sure.

She loves sitting in her exersaucer and moving all over the floor. She LOVES her brother. She loves sitting in the stroller and going on walks, and she’s a TALKER. Oh man, this little lady is constantly babbling or fake coughing or growling or laughing (or whining/crying). She’s a noisy little thing.

Overall, she is just a joy, and such a fun addition to our family! We love our little ‘Liza so much, and are so glad she’s ours!

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