Currently, Family and Friends, Link Up

Currently | June 2016

Currently June 2016

Hello, hello! And WELCOME JUNE. My goodness, we are half-way through the year. How did that even happen? I’m going to blink and summer will have passed me by. Hopefully I can soak it all in. As I always do on the first Wednesady of the month, I’m linking up with Anne and Jenna today to share some of the “currentlies” in my life. Feel free to join in!

PLANNING | out all the things I want to do this month! Like I mentioned last week, this month is kind of our calm month, so I want to make sure I make the most of actually being home and in a routine, before our routine gets upset for two months. Things like blogging, cleaning, and play dates are what I’m looking forward to, and planning on doing this month.

ENJOYING | our new backyard! It’s so nice to have grass in our backyard, instead of dirt and weeds. I know I need to blog about this, and show you before and after pictures, but just know it looks so awesome.

BUYING | nothing! Well, hopefully 😉 This month we are trying to do a “no spend” month, except for the necessities, of course. However this past week (so still in May) I bought a bike, and I am so excited for it to come this week and put it together and try it out. In May we also purchased a double stroller, which has been so nice to use when we go out for walks. Both our kids love it!

CRAVING | nothing. We’re just coming off of a holiday weekend, so of course we ate all sorts of sweets, so we’re hopping on the clean eating wagon, again. Which probably means I’ll start craving sugar soon, ha.

PINNING | my own blog posts, and a few posts of others, too. I really need to up my pinterest game. It’s on my to-do list for the year. I’m hoping to at least start this month, before things get crazy, and then finish up in the fall if I need to.

What are you currently up to?

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