Motherhood and Baby

In This Season

In This Season

Well, hello there, my friend.

Last week I hardly cracked open my computer as I spent time with my dad and Steven while they were in town. We didn’t do anything too exciting (other than our marathon day at Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks — post to come!) but it was so nice to just spend time together, and for Abe and Eliza to get to know their papas.

This season of life is a strange one for me. I am surrounded by love and laughter daily, but I have also never been so exhausted or felt so defeated. Motherhood is a trip, y’all. Having babies 19 months apart is one of the best and hardest things I have ever done. I don’t regret it, but man sometimes I wish for the days when I wasn’t waking up 2-4 times a night to a screaming baby.

I have so much I want to do and get done and plan, but I don’t have the energy to follow through.

But still, in this season, life is beautiful.

This season of life is laughter and cries. It is dance parties in the kitchen. It is spilled milk. It is playing trains and cars and playdough and stickers and coloring. It is whining. It is reading books. It is naptime. It is making dinner with little people underfoot the whole time.

It is all I ever dreamed about.

And I am so lucky, and so blessed.

And that is what I think about at night, after another long, but joyful day. I wonder what I did to deserve this life, and I bow my head and thank Him for the opportunity I have to raise these special little spirits. And I ask Him for His help in doing so. Because in this season of my life, I need Him, more than ever.

Because this season of life is trying, but it is going by all too fast.

So I will savor it and snuggle my babies, but I will also not feel guilty for indulging in ice cream and a good book after those babies go to bed. I will play with them and love them, but enjoy a night out with my husband or friends.

And in this season, I will raise them in God.

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