A Coffee Date, All Things Blog, Family and Friends, Link Up

A Coffee Date | Vol. 4

A Coffee Date

Good morning, dear friends! I’m so excited to be here today, with you. You might have noticed I didn’t post at all last week. I just wasn’t feeling it, plus my mom and sister were in town so I was enjoying spending time with them. If there’s anything I’ve learned from blogging, it’s that you can’t force it – and you shouldn’t feel like you have to, either.

I’ve had a lot on my heart though, lately, and I’m glad that I can share some of it with you today, because life is a beautiful, messy, ordinary, boring, confusing, wonderful, and tiring thing, and we all need some down time to share space with our friends, to refresh and re-energize each other, don’t you think?

If we were on a coffee date, I’d probably be sipping on my new favorite drink, a Copper Freeze frappe from a local coffee shop. It has Ghirardelli cocoa, caramel sauce, and Irish cream, all blended together, and is so delicious. I don’t get one often, but man, I love it.

If we were on a coffee date, I’d share with you that I’ve been thinking a lot about “callings” in life, and that I’ve been wondering if I’ve missed mine. Now, I do believe that my main and top calling is to be a mother, which I’m obviously currently experiencing and (trying to) thrive at, but I’ve been wondering if there’s something else I’m missing. I’ve dabbled in a lot of different things, dance, English, French, choir, writing, etc. but really the only thing I’ve stuck with for a long period of time is reading (and writing on blogs!). But more and more I’m thinking maybe I should have stuck with, well, something.  …. I have a lot more thoughts about this, so I’m sure I’ll be writing up a blog post about it at some point, but really — I’d ask you — what do you do when you think you’ve missed your calling?

If we were on a coffee date, I’d start to tell you about how I have so many ideas for this blog and posts, but that I don’t have time to flesh them all out. I’ve have so many things I want to write about, and to share with you. But sometimes, blogging overwhelms me. And sometimes, blogging just has to come last in my list of to-do’s. And sometimes, even though I’m itching to write, the words don’t come out right. I feel like my mind is always going a mile a minute, which is one reason I can concentrate on writing a post. It’s hard and frustrating right now, and of course all my greatest ideas come at night as I’m lying in bed trying to fall asleep. I know I get this type of writer’s block when I’m feeling overwhelmed and/or frustrated, so I’m going to add a few things into my self-care routine to see if I can ease that feeling of being overwhelmed, and get back into a habit of contentment.

If we were on a coffee date, at some point the conversation would turn to books. I’d ask you what you’re currently reading, and what you’ve just finished. I’m currently really enjoying Put The Disciple Into Discipline, and am still thinking about The Roanoke Girls 2 months later. It was just the perfect twisted mystery, with the perfect mostly happy ending. I’d also bring up The Handmaid’s Tale, and ask you if you’ve read it and/or watched the show, because man, it’s terrifying. And last but not least, I’d whip my phone out, and find you on Goodreads — or beg you to sign up right this minute. It’s really my favorite thing.

I suppose that’s all the time we would have, although there are always more topics to bring up and chat about. Thanks for indulging me and letting me get a few things off my heart. I hope you know how much I appreciate you!

Psst, I was going to link up with Erin, but apparently I’m a week late, oops! There’s always next month 😉

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