#collaboreads, Book Reviews, Link Up

#collaboreads | Until I Met Her

Welcome to this month’s Collaboreads post! You can read more about this link up here, but the basic synopsis is that you read a book based on that month’s criteria, and then write a review about it! There’s even a mnemonic that’s been created to review the book (see below!). It’s a fun and amazing link up, and I hope you join in with us!

This month’s criteria: A Summer Read

Until I Met Her

Book I Chose: Until I Met Her

Synopsis: She should never have said ‘yes’… When Beatrice said she wanted to publish her next novel under Emma’s name, Emma thought she was joking. Why on earth would Beatrice, the famous crime writer, not want to publish her new book under her own name? Precisely because she was so famous, Beatrice had explained. This time, Beatrice wanted to write something different, and publish it as an unknown author, and she wanted Emma to help. After everything Beatrice had done for her, Emma could hardly refuse. But what was meant to be a favor has turned into a betrayal, and now Emma has done something terrible, something shocking, and the consequences are terrifying…

I actually read quite a few mystery/thrillers this month that could have fit into this category, but I thought I’d share this one because it was different than I thought it would be and it had an ending that was tied up but not in the expected way. Read on for more of my thoughts!


What part of the book could you NOT get enough of? It was just such an interesting premise! Emma becomes the name and face behind Beatrice’s newest novel, never expecting it to become a bestseller. Lines are blurred as she starts to feel ownership of the book, and as Beatrice’s jealousy comes to light. It’s just fascinating.


How did you relate/care for the characters? What’s your thought on the plot line and twists and turns? None of the characters are particularly likable, which makes is all the more interesting in this case. You don’t really have someone you’re rooting for, so you have no idea what’s going to happen or what you want to happen!


What other books are like this one? If none, did it remind you of a particular TV show or movie with it’s themes and characters? Hm, it didn’t make me think of any as I was reading!


You know you judged this book by the cover. What did you think of it? How did it relate to the contents of the novel? And the font and layout of the pages? I read the e-book, so I can’t really comment on it, but the above cover is fine — it looks nice but I don’t feel like it really fits the title/contents.


How many out of five do you give this book? Would you recommend this book to a friend?  4 stars. I would totally recommend it. It was a pretty satisfying read – a little more unique than your usually run-of-the-mill thriller/mystery.

Collaboreads For Next Month:

August’s criteria is a book in a series, so come link up with us then! I’m thinking this might be my excuse to start a re-read of the Harry Potter series…. 😉 Although who really needs an excuse for that? No one!

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