Family and Friends, Jonah, Motherhood and Baby, Postpartum

Postpartum Recovery after Jonah


I’m now seven weeks out from giving birth to Jonah, so I wanted to write up a little post about how my recovery has been this time around. (Spoiler: it’s been AWESOME.) In case you’re new here, Abe was a c-section after his heart rate started decreasing during small contractions while I was hardly dilated, Eliza was a VBAC with an epidural, and Jonah was also a VBAC with an epidural. I’ve also written up a post comparing my c-section and first VBAC labor, delivery and recovery. And while I preferred the VBAC on most accounts, the pain level I felt while recovering from my 2nd degree tear was on par with my c-section pain. It hurt terribly for months, and so I was quite nervous to have to go through that pain again this time. Luckily, that ended up not being the case, and overall, I had hardly any pain.

In The Hospital

Just a couple of hours after giving birth, when the nurse came in to help me with that dreaded first bathroom visit after the epidural had worn off, I felt great. By the time the nurse had finished waiting for the water to warm up to fill my peri bottle, I was done and pulling up my big ol’ mesh undies. I hadn’t even felt the need to wait for her to help me, or use the peri bottle. At the time I assumed I was still a little numb from the epidural and/or the pain medications were helping to keep that pain at bay. I walked around easily at the hospital and kept waiting for the sharp burning pain to come, but it never did, even though I had another 2nd degree tear. The worst pain I had during recovery was during those first few days, and it came from the afterbirth contractions (they truly get worse with each child) and I was also quite sore in my hip flexors and crotch. I did ask for hydrocodone in the hospital, mostly to block out those afterbirth pains, and to keep the sharp pain I was expecting away, should it start.

(Not) Breastfeeding

The worst pain that I felt during recovery was when my milk came in. I don’t breastfeed, and I was extremely and painfully engorged for about 48 hours. I don’t nurse, and so it was ROUGH. There is no pain like engorgement pain, woof.  After those initial 48 hours, it took about another 4-5 days of slight engorgement before my milk left completely. (And I was left with my pre-pregnancy breasts, praise!)

At Home

The pain I talked about above, in my hip flexors and crotch, lingered for about 6 weeks, but it wasn’t ever terrible. I did get sent home with about 5 days worth of hydro, which I took, but after that I managed with ibuprofen as needed — like once a day for a week or two. I had my 6 week check up closer to 5 weeks, and other than the regular discomfort that comes from having a speculum inserted, there was no pain. We also (TMI?) were able to have sex that same night — after Eliza it HURT for months.

This recovery was such a dream compared to both Abe and Eliza’s and I’m so, so thankful. I’m not sure if it’s because it was my second vaginal delivery, or because my tear wasn’t as extreme (although apparently it was the same?) but either way, I’m not complaining. It has been such a blessing to feel so well (both physically and mentally) as I (we ) transition to a family of five.

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