Beauty, Fashion and Beauty

Formulate Review: Thoughts After 2 Months + A Giveaway!

Earlier this year on my Instagram I shared with you a new hair care company called Formulate. Formulate creates customized shampoo and conditioner, based on your hair needs and type, amazing right?! I was on their launch team, and was so hyped to be able to receive some for myself. And now that I’ve been using it for about 2 or 3 months, I’m here to tell y’all about it. Spoiler: I really, really like it.


In order to create your customized formula, you fill out a little questionnaire nicknamed “the hair wizard” and answer questions about your hair, how you style it, and what your main needs and concerns are. They then create a profile for you as well as your formula! It’s pretty awesome. I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t sure that I would like it, and that it would fit my needs. I’ve shared before (a loooong time ago) about how I’ve struggled with dandruff/scalp psoriasis basically my whole life, and that I usually use medicated shampoo in order to keep it at bay. BUT GUYS. I can use this shampoo without all the flakes coming back. It’s not perfect (and I’ve never found a shampoo that is in that regards, including my medicated ones) but it works almost as well as my medicated shampoo, which means I CAN USE IT. This is a small miracle. For reals.

So it passed that first test, which in and of itself was all I needed to be sold on it. But other than that…. It truly makes my hair SO SOFT. I still use my medicated shampoo or a clarifying shampoo every 3-4 washes, but when I use my Formulate shampoo, I can tell a difference as soon as it touches my hair in the shower. It’s insane.


That does, however, lead me to my small con, which is that maybe because of how soft it makes my hair, it makes the hair at the nap of my neck feel greasy. This isn’t a big deal though, because first of all, I’ve had quite a few shampoos do this to my hair (weird, yeah?) and second, I don’t think you could actually tell, it’s just something that bugs me personally. Also, I just rub a tiny bit of clarifying shampoo back there while I”m shampooing the rest of my head with my Formulate shampoo and then I don’t even notice it. So for me, this tiny con is easy to work around and doesn’t even matter because of how great the pros are. I just wanted to share it with you in the spirit of full disclosure 🙂

About Me

I’m super stoked to be teaming up with Formulate to give one of you the chance to win your own shipment of personalized shampoo and conditioner. You can enter HERE through January 4, 2019 and all non-winning entrants will be receive a $5 off coupon code! <3

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