Fashion and Beauty, My Faith

Be Still

Woof, being a mother of three (or any number of children) is rough. You feel pulled in a million different directions, you are running from on activity to the next, you’re caring for multiple people’s needs on top of your own. Most day I feel anything but “still”. Even when my  body is still my mind is racing 100 miles a minute with all the things I need to do or worry about.

That’s why I was so thrilled to be able to pick out this necklace from Holly Lane.

Even amid the hustle and bustle, we can remember that we can be still in Christ. Stillness can come in the loudest of times, in the darkest of nights, in the craziest of moments.

God is with us in the storm.

And just like he calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee all those years ago, He can and will calm our storm now. Maybe not immediately, maybe not all at once, but He will be there, shining His light for us, showing us how to be still through Him even when the waves are crashing down on us and we feel like we cannot go on.

I feel so strongly that this is true.

He loves us.

And He will grant us peace.

Holly Lane

You can enter to win $100 to Holly Lane here! 

Or use the code 20FORYOU to get 20% off your purchase.

And view my unboxing on my Instagram post here.

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