Blogger Men Tell All, Kyle, Link Up

Blogger Men Tell All | September

When I saw a few weeks ago that a few lovely ladies were going to start a Blogger Men Tell All monthly link up, I decided I was all in! Of course, I forgot to mention it to Kyle until… You know… 2 nights ago. And he’s on a business trip. But luckily he is super awesome and emailed me back the answers last night so I could get his post all prepped and ready to go in time.

And now, without further ado — here’s a little about Kyle.

1. If you had a blog, what would you call it, and what would it be about?
Something like FamilyMatters and it would be all about the importance of family and how to have a great one in the midst of a society that devalues family.

2. If you could live inside any video game, which would it be?
Magic Johnson’s Fast Break. Because I love basketball and it was a great game.

3. Who is your best player on your fantasy football team this season?
No fantasy football for me. I prefer college sports.

4. If you could play for any professional sports team, which one would it be?
The Jazz. I used to love them and I still like basketball though I don’t play anymore.

5. What do you typically do with an hour of free time?
I like to ride my bike. Either road or mountain but more often I just sit on the couch cause I’m tired. I like to watch TV on Netflix with Britt too 🙂 Lost is what we are watching now in case you wondered.

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