Link Up, Thankful Thursdays

Thankful Thursdays {When}

This was a harder prompt for me — and I’m not exactly sure what others are going to be posting about — but I took this to mean specific days in my life. So, I thought I would share the top 5 days of my life. But really, there are so many more, and most of my days are wonderful, especially the ones spent with family and friends. I am so blessed to have so many amazing people in my life.

1) Wedding Day

Photo by Missy Russell
This might be a given, but really, it was an amazing day. I’ll be posting  more details about it in an upcoming love story post — but until then — just know it was beautiful. I am so grateful every day that this man is by my side, and will be forever.

2) Receiving my Endowment

A grainy photo — but this is Kyle and I upon leaving the Temple.

In the LDS church, we make sacred covenants inside Temples, and receive special blessings. We call this the endowment. (You can read more about Temples here, or you can watch this short 3 minute video.) The first time you go to the Temple is an amazing experience, and was so special to me.

3) Abe’s Birth

Just hours after Abe was born.

Becoming a mom was amazing. Even though I had an interesting and unique-ish labor experience, it was still such a special day. The fact that I was able to grow and birth a baby is such a miracle. Our bodies are amazing. And raising (and teaching) children is such a sacred calling.

4) College Graduation

After convocation with my favorite professor, Dr. Nelson.
I am so proud of my college degree. I am smart, but not overly so. And I am not the most motivated person in the world. I had my ups and downs in college, and struggled, but I made it! I loved my whole college experience and it without a doubt shaped me into the person I am now.

5) Engagement Day

I’ve already blogged about this day here. So suffice it to say it was such a fun, and surprising day!

The Celebrating Momma

When are you thankful for? Link up with us!

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