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How I De-stress | Blog-tember 2016

How I De-stress

Y’all, I’m so grateful it’s Friday. This week has felt weirdly long, and I am looking forward to the weekend. Having two small kids is no small feat, and my house is in constant disarray, can any one else feel me? I’ve always been so sick of all of our stuff lately. I haven’t read The Life Changing Method of Tidying It, but I’m almost afraid to, now, because I think I might through away half our possessions! Which, to be honest, probably wouldn’t be a bad thing. Does anyone have a copy they’d like to send to me? Let me know! But enough about that, let’s get on with today’s Blog-tember prompt. It’s a good one.

Today’s Prompt: How I De-stress

Ah, stress. Do you think there is any way we can truly escape it? I don’t think so. We’re human, after all. But I do believe that if you learn your triggers and how to manage your stress, you can make your stress levels go down and stay down. I’m still experimenting a little bit with self-care, but here are a few things that I know will take my stress away.

A long, hot shower.

Something about feeling the hot water pound on my skin just melts the stress and tension away from my body. But it has to be the kind of shower where you know you won’t be interrupted (aka, my husband is home and taking care of the kids, or it’s late at night) because nothing gives me more stress than showering with a crying baby in the other room, or a toddler knocking at the door. But oh yes, a long, hot uninterrupted shower is just the ticket to helping me de-stress.

Reading a good book.

Is this any surprise? Even if you’ve just found my blog during the month of September, I’m sure you’ve caught on to the fact that I love books and I love to read. There is nothing better than curling up with a good book, either an old favorite or a new friend, and getting caught up in the story. Bonus points for a good snack, a cozy blanket, and the perfect, softest daylight pouring through a window. Ahhh, I feel better just thinking about it.

Taking a nap.

Sometimes you just need to lay down and forget about everything and sleep. There are times I am just so tired and tense and overwhelmed that nothing will help me feel better than just relaxing my body in my bed, and letting the stress slide away as I drift to sleep. I generally feel much more relaxed and ready to face whatever problems may be giving me stress when I wake up, which makes me more capable when dealing with my stressors.

blogtember2016Do we have any of these in common? What helps you to de-stress? I always love to add more things to my self-care arsenal, so feel free to share them below with me! I’ll be back on Monday sharing some of my favorite blog posts. See you then!







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