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5 Things That Bring Me Joy | Blog-tember 2016

5 Things That Bring Me Joy

Good morning! I hope you guys are having a great week. Kyle had Monday off and having him home for an extra day was just the best! We went and spent part of our day at the fair, and it did not disappoint! I love, love, love today’s Blog-tember prompt. I think that finding what brings us joy is such an important part of life.

Today’s Prompt: Five Things That Bring You Joy

My Marriage.

Marriage is really the best thing. Sure, learning to live with someone new, and learning how to communicate, and how to balance life together can be hard, but there is nothing like knowing that you have someone who will always have your back, who will always be your biggest cheerleader, and who you can always laugh about silly things with. It is really just the best thing.

Wedding Day

My Kids.

All my life I’ve wanted to be a wife and a mother. And now I am. And my kids really do bring me so much joy. I love that I am able to stay home with them all day long, and watch them learn and grow. Those cheesy grins and little giggles are some of the best parts of my days. It is insane how much your heart opens up with you have kids, and how much you just love them.

Abe and Eliza


Books have always brought me joy. They provide an escape, they help me to learn, and reading is something I can do just for me. Maybe this sounds dramatic, but I truly cannot imagine a world without books. Books have taught me so much about myself, about life, and the world we live in. Books and reading truly bring me such great joy in my life. I hope there are books in heaven 😉

The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have been LDS (or Mormon) all of my life, and I am so thankful. The knowledge that I have a Heavenly Father who knows and loves me, and a Savior who suffered and dead for me, that I might repent and live, brings me the greatest joy I could ever know. Knowing Their plan for me brings me peace, joy, hope, and so much more.

Jesus Christ


I’ve always loved to write. Something about a fresh page and a pen in my hand makes me giddy, however these days I don’t spend too much time writing in that “old fashioned” way, unless it involves meal planning and to-do lists. I do, of course, spend a lot of time writing here on the blog, which I truly love so much. I love putting my thoughts down on paper (or the computer screen). I’m not the best writer by any means, but it still brings me joy, and so I do it.

Bonus answer: My family and friends also bring me so much joy. I don’t know where I would be without them!

blogtember2016What brings you joy? Share with me below! I’ll be posting tomorrow, but not linking up with the Blog-tember Challenge. I’ll be back on Friday, though, sharing about the place I’d love to go the most!


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