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Advice To A Large Group | Blog-tember 2016

Advice To A Large Group

Can you believe it’s Friday, and the last day of September? I sure can’t. This year has flown by, this summer has flown by, this month has flown by. I’ve had so much fun participating in Blog-tember this month. It’s been a little crazy, but I loved following the prompts and getting to know some new blogging faces.

Today’s Prompt: The photographer of Humans Of New York stops you on the street and asks you what advice you’d give to a large group of people.

Life can be tricky sometimes. It can throw you curve-balls when you least expect it. But the thing is, you can pick yourself back up, because you are strong. Each and every one of you. You are strong and you are beautiful and you can pick yourself back up. You can use your experiences to become a better person, you can use your experiences to help others.

You are strong.

You are brave.

You are beautiful.

You are loved.

And you can do amazing things.

So always remember that. Always.

That is my advice to you. That is what I want you to know, and to remember.

blogtember2016We have officially finished this year’s Blog-tember challenge. What a ride! I had a lot of fun, and I hope you did, too, whether you joined in or where just along for the ride. Happy Friday, friends. I hope you have a good one.







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