All Things Blog, Blog-tember 2016, Currently, Family and Friends, Link Up

Currently | September 2016 | Blog-tember 2016

Currently September 2016

Happy Sabbath, sweet friends. I hope you’re enjoying yourself and finding rest in Christ. Sundays are one of my favorite days of the week, since I get to attend church with my family, and enjoy a slow-paced day with them at home, too. Even if you’re not religious, I hope you are finding today to be a good day. And now, on to today’s Blog-tember prompt.

Today’s Prompt: What You’re Currently Up To

I usually link up with Anne and her current co-host (Beth, this month!) on the first Wednesday of each month for a currently post (although I’ve missed August), but today’s prompt for Blog-tember is a currently post, so I thought I’d post that today, and link up with them on Wednesday. Killing two birds with one stone, as it were.

READING | Fervent and Then Sings My Soul. Ok, actually, I’ll be honest. At the time of writing this post, I haven’t started these books yet, but they are the two I am planning on starting this week! (PS, you can read about the books I read in August in tomorrow’s post.)

TRYING | to get back into a routine. I’m loving that it is September and fall, and our crazy summer schedule is behind us. However, I’m still a tiny bit in the “catch-up” phase, so I’m hoping that I’ll be all done with that soon and can truly be back into a good routine as far as home/blog/kids/husband/UBAM goes.

HOPING | for cooler weather. Now that it’s September, it’s completely acceptable to wear long-sleeves and cardigans, so, you know, I’d love for the weather to actually cool down so I can wear those things! Layers are my favorite, so I keep hoping and praying for the cooler weather to come! I’m over being hot and sweaty all the time 🙂

DECORATING | our living room! Since we moved in last year I’ve been so excited to get our living room painted and decorated. It took a bit longer than we originally thought it would, but we’ve finally painted and are moving on to the decorating stage of things! I am so excited to make this room comfortable, inviting, and a little piece of me.

TO-DO LISTING | the usual things. Blog posts and emails, Usborne party to-dos, and household happenings (like laundry, mopping, etc.). Nothing too exciting, but that’s life! We are going camping this coming weekend, so I suppose there are a few extra things on the to-do list like “pack”, but it’s only for overnight, so it’s nothing too crazy.

blogtember2016So there you go, what I’m currently up to. What about you? Any fun plans for September? Let me know below! Tomorrow I’ll be back with two posts – one is the books I read in August, like I always post on the first Monday of the month, and I’ll also be sharing about my most memorable birthday for Blog-tember. Don’t forget to jump on in and join us!






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